Welcome, Visitors

Come and worship with us!

On your first visit, be sure to stop by the Visitor Table inside the entryway and join us for a time of fellowship immediately after morning worship.

For Families

We have both a cry room and a nursery for infants & toddlers. Adult Bible study and children’s Sunday school follow the morning service. They begin after fellowship time and end at 11:45 am.

Learn more about our other ministry opportunities.

We are Christians united in faith, word, and doctrine affiliated with the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA).

What We Believe

We are united, not on the basis of ethnicity, experiences, race, age, hobbies, or finances, but upon the common bond of faith in Jesus. We confess The Three Forms of Unity.

The Heidelberg Catechism

The Belgic Confession

The Canons of Dort